Local, independent, and trusted since 1933.
Ben Sequeira Bruce Rowledge Sharon Piazza Patty Bouck Caresse Bouck
President V.P. Office Manager Personal Lines Commercial Lines
Account Manager Account Manager
- In 1933 our Founder Dudley Rowledge opened up the first office above the Chrysler dealership in Scotia. Three years later he moved the office to the location at 139 Mohawk Ave that we still occupy today.
- 1960 Dudley was joined by his son Roderick, Corporation was established.
- 1982 Rod was joined by his son Bruce.
- 1998 Bruce becomes President
- 2013 Bruce was joined by his nephew Ben
- 2021 Acquired Frank Falvo Agency becoming Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency
- 2023 Ben becomes President

-2013- Dudley Rod Bruce