What Is Cyber Insurance?

In today’s digital era, several businesses operate some or all of their operations online. This often involves storing substantial amounts of data in computer systems, which inevitably puts this information at risk. Potential difficulties with these systems can create significant issues for a business. Having a cyber insurance policy in place can help safeguard your business. If you need this specific type of commercial coverage, give us a call at Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency in Scotia, NY.

Data Breaches

The data stored on your computer system might involve essential information about your company, confidential data about your employees, or even customer data. Leaks of such data can cause serious disruptions to your business operations and damage your company’s reputation. In today’s world, data breaches can occur in numerous ways and happen alarmingly regularly. The cost of addressing such breaches can be substantial. Thus, businesses must be adequately covered against such eventualities.

Managing a Breach

The aftermath of a data breach can be devastating for a small business. Following a breach, a business may be required to compensate the victims. In addition, it would have to invest resources into identifying and fixing the problem to prevent future breaches. This might require additional IT personnel or expenditure on encryptions and other cyber security measures. With these costs potentially high, possessing cyber insurance becomes imperative.

Get Cyber Insurance in New York

Understanding the frequency at which businesses suffer from data breaches underscores the importance of cyber insurance. To learn more about this critical form of coverage, contact us at Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency in Scotia, NY. Our skilled agents can help you secure the right policy for your business.