Does Commercial Insurance Include Cyber Liability Coverage?

Cyber threats are becoming increasingly common as technology permeates every industry. Many companies take measures to protect themselves against cyber threats, such as installing the latest virus protection software. However, insurance from Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency is crucial in dealing with these attacks.

Understanding Cyber Threats

Cyber threats, also known as cyberattacks, involve hackers infiltrating a company’s database using various methods, such as malware, viruses, phishing emails, and other tactics. Once hackers gain access to a company’s data in Scotia, NY, they can steal social security numbers, which can be used for identity theft. They can also access credit card numbers to steal money from customers.

Cyber Protection

Companies strive to protect themselves from these threats in several ways. Employees often receive additional cybersecurity training to ensure they don’t open phishing emails or click on suspicious links. Many companies invest in IT teams to ensure virus software is up to date and secure the Wi-Fi network. However, sometimes hackers can still infiltrate a company’s system.

Cyber Liability Coverage

Many businesses invest in cyber liability coverage. While necessary for many companies, some commercial insurance doesn’t include cyber liability coverage. Small businesses that operate on a cash basis may need commercial insurance but not cyber liability coverage, which is why it can be an option.

However, most insurance companies offer cyber coverage as an additional add-on to standard business policies. Understanding what your insurance policy covers is crucial to ensuring you’re adequately protected. Speak with a Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency agent today to ensure you have the coverage you need. We currently service the Scotia, NY, area.