Does Commercial Insurance Include Cyber Liability Coverage?

Cyber threats are becoming increasingly common as technology permeates every industry. Many companies take measures to protect themselves against cyber threats, such as installing the latest virus protection software. However, insurance from Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency is crucial in dealing with these attacks.

Understanding Cyber Threats

Cyber threats, also known as cyberattacks, involve hackers infiltrating a company’s database using various methods, such as malware, viruses, phishing emails, and other tactics. Once hackers gain access to a company’s data in Scotia, NY, they can steal social security numbers, which can be used for identity theft. They can also access credit card numbers to steal money from customers.

Cyber Protection

Companies strive to protect themselves from these threats in several ways. Employees often receive additional cybersecurity training to ensure they don’t open phishing emails or click on suspicious links. Many companies invest in IT teams to ensure virus software is up to date and secure the Wi-Fi network. However, sometimes hackers can still infiltrate a company’s system.

Cyber Liability Coverage

Many businesses invest in cyber liability coverage. While necessary for many companies, some commercial insurance doesn’t include cyber liability coverage. Small businesses that operate on a cash basis may need commercial insurance but not cyber liability coverage, which is why it can be an option.

However, most insurance companies offer cyber coverage as an additional add-on to standard business policies. Understanding what your insurance policy covers is crucial to ensuring you’re adequately protected. Speak with a Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency agent today to ensure you have the coverage you need. We currently service the Scotia, NY, area.

What Is Cyber Insurance?

In today’s digital era, several businesses operate some or all of their operations online. This often involves storing substantial amounts of data in computer systems, which inevitably puts this information at risk. Potential difficulties with these systems can create significant issues for a business. Having a cyber insurance policy in place can help safeguard your business. If you need this specific type of commercial coverage, give us a call at Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency in Scotia, NY.

Data Breaches

The data stored on your computer system might involve essential information about your company, confidential data about your employees, or even customer data. Leaks of such data can cause serious disruptions to your business operations and damage your company’s reputation. In today’s world, data breaches can occur in numerous ways and happen alarmingly regularly. The cost of addressing such breaches can be substantial. Thus, businesses must be adequately covered against such eventualities.

Managing a Breach

The aftermath of a data breach can be devastating for a small business. Following a breach, a business may be required to compensate the victims. In addition, it would have to invest resources into identifying and fixing the problem to prevent future breaches. This might require additional IT personnel or expenditure on encryptions and other cyber security measures. With these costs potentially high, possessing cyber insurance becomes imperative.

Get Cyber Insurance in New York

Understanding the frequency at which businesses suffer from data breaches underscores the importance of cyber insurance. To learn more about this critical form of coverage, contact us at Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency in Scotia, NY. Our skilled agents can help you secure the right policy for your business.

What Van Owners Should Know About Commercial Van Insurance

Understanding Commercial Van Insurance in Scotia, NY

Scotia, NY, business owners who use vans are legally obligated to possess a commercial van insurance policy. Though a basic policy offers necessary coverage in case of accidents and injuries, other policies deliver comprehensive protection, safeguarding your assets against unfortunate incidents.

Basic Commercial Van Insurance Requirements

New York law mandates commercial van operators to hold a commercial auto insurance policy encompassing:

  • A minimum liability limit of $25,000/person
  • A minimum of $50,000/accident for bodily injury
  • A minimum of $10,000 for property damages

As New York is a "no-fault state," bodily injury coverage not only includes third-party victims but also drivers covered by the insurance policy and any passengers.

Why Consider Additional Coverage?

Several reasons compel Scotia, NY business owners to opt for more than just a basic commercial auto policy:

  • Basic coverage doesn’t offer compensation for theft, vandalism, and damage caused by natural disasters. Comprehensive insurance is a must for these.
  • While a basic policy covers damage to another vehicle, damage to the insured vehicle is only covered if the other driver is at fault and adequately insured. To avoid out-of-pocket expenses to fix your van if the other party is uninsured or underinsured, consider uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.
  • Commercial auto insurance doesn’t encompass business assets or products transported in the vehicle.

Assessing Your Options with Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency

With Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency, you’ll receive comprehensive assistance in assessing your commercial insurance options, thus ensuring the best picks for your business. Reach out today for more information or to get policy quotes.

Insurance Coverage for Automated Equipment

The inclusion of automated equipment in many factory settings can significantly reduce the manual work required from employees. This article provides tips and insights on protecting your business with adequate insurance coverage for your automated machinery.

What is Automated Equipment?

In most production industries, various forms of automated machinery, like conveyor belts, inventory pickers, and industrial mixers, are indispensable. These machineries are often used to mass-produce items for third-party resale. Automated equipment streamlines production processes, enhancing business productivity and efficiency. Therefore, such valuable assets should be safeguarded with comprehensive commercial insurance.

Why Do You Need Insurance?

Choosing an insurance policy for your automated equipment should take into consideration your largest investments. A well-thought-out insurance policy can take care of the financial implications for repairs and replacements when needed. Thus, your insurance policy becomes a crucial financial backup if any equipment breakdown occurs.

The Importance of Inspection

Your factory’s automated machinery needs regular inspection to determine its current status and health. Timely addressing any issues discovered during these inspections can enhance your machinery’s lifespan and performance. It is advisable to ensure that equipment is in optimum working condition. Functioning automated equipment tends to have a higher value than those in need of repair or replacement.

Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency: Your Preferred Insurance Partner

Take proactive steps to protect your business today. Contact one of our agents at Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency in Scotia, NY. Our representative will gladly discuss your automated machinery insurance needs and help prepare your tailored commercial insurance document.

How To Decrease Employee Turnaround

As a business owner, you really can’t afford to ignore any aspect of your employees’ welfare. High employee turnaround is often a signal that company culture is not conducive to strong employee relationships and contentment. Here at Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency, we want to help business owners in Scotia, NY make smart business choices. 

Here are a few tips on how to decrease employee turnaround:

Healthy Company Culture

Employee contentment is a direct result of company culture. When a company is intentional about building a nurturing and safe company culture, employees want to stay and grow with you. However, the opposite is also true. When a company culture feels cold, uncaring, or worst case scenario, toxic, employees will find other places to work as quickly as possible. Although company culture doesn’t show as hard numbers, it is still well worth your investment to make sure you have a positive culture.

Open Communication

Another reason why workers are often tempted to move on to a new workplace is when they feel that communication is lacking and that they are not listened to. Your employees are the backbone of your business. You need to listen to them and communicate with them in a manner that is clear, respectful, and responsive. 

Quick Problem Resolution

Problems will arise in any company, but how you deal with those problems will have a huge effect on your staff. Your employees aren’t expecting to never experience problems, but what they are expecting is for you to acknowledge what is happening, listen to their concerns, and act quickly to resolve problems. When problems are ignored at work they often just get bigger and more complicated. 

Schedule A Consultation Today

If you would like to learn about commercial insurance for business owners, please contact us at Rowledge & Falvo Insurance Agency serving Scotia, NY.